What is Kendo?

Kendo is a Japanese martial art which literally translates to “The Way of the Sword”. It is an athletic sport which is played by means of one-on-one striking between opponents using shinai (sword made from bamboo slats) while wearing kendo-gu (protective armor).

Two club members in kendo armor holding bamboo practice swords, facing each other in the ready position.
Two club members hold their shinai, ready to strike.

Who are we?

Kendo Club at the University of Michigan is led by students and instructed by highly experienced coaches. Our purpose is to provide an open and inviting opportunity for University of Michigan students and local community members to learn and practice Kendo. We invite everyone of any skill level to join us!

A group of 20 people in kendo armor with serious faces
Group photo of 2024 club members

How do you join?

Come to practice!


Contact Us

Please email kendoinfo@umich.edu with any additional questions or to be added to our email list. We usually respond within a week.